Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Conan and Babies aka a pretty great weekend

Weekend Part 1:

So this past weekend I had the incredible opportunity to go to the MalariaNoMore fundraiser because my friend Katrina is incredible and got me and a couple other friends tickets. It was hosted by Elizabeth Banks and featured comedians like Conan O'brien, Sarah Silverman, BJ Novak and more. It was hands down the funniest thing I had ever seen. Conan and BJ Novak stole the show in my opinion but Ed Helms, Sarah and the rest were amazing too. I can't even remember the last time that I laughed that hard. It was an experience I will never forget and it just reminded me of how absolutely lucky I am to have the opportunities I do.


Sarah sang an incredibly inappropriate song that featured the C word prominently

Garfunkel and Oates plus David Arquette. If you don't know 'em, you should check them out

Ed Helms really loves Yanni

BJ Novak has some of the greatest line deliveries of any comedian I have ever seen

Weekend Part 2:

So, the second part of the weekend....Sunday was my cousin Anna's son Orrin's first birthday. Now, I haven't been to many birthday parties for babies but I have to say this one was exceptionally awesome. Why you may ask...because I got to play with Orrin and hold him and make faces and basically bask in his gloriousness. He is a beyond delightful baby who didn't mind being passed from one relative to another. The second we left I missed him and I just wanted to steal him. I also got to hang out with my family many of whom I don't see as often as I'd like which is always fun because they're a pretty fantastic group of people that I adore, even the crazy ones. Thinking about it now, I'm just so damn happy I have a family that can get together without killing each other, it's such a nice feeling to be in a room with a group of people who have to love you. I can't wait until we all get together again and wackiness ensues. I hear there may be some sort of surprise party for my Uncle Tom on May 12th...(that's for you madre hehehe)

Me and my sister Elizabeth in the car

Ebet and Orrin

We bonded

The 3 Amigos

Me and my sister again. Sometimes I try to take nice pictures

Why yes Orrin, you can play with my face

I look so damn smug to have the baby

After all that, I watched the Game of Thrones premiere with Jason and Hannah. It was so good! So much creepiness and nudity which I didn't need but overall it was really true to the book and I can not wait to watch the rest of the show.

That's all for now, time to watch Veronica Mars. Logan and Veronica are one of my OTP's. Love them.


(this was pretty much an excuse to brag about seeing and Conan and showing off how precious my Orrin is)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Long Time...

So, it's been a while since i've updated this thing. I haven't been feeling motivated or inspired in a while but after reading Lola's blog (http://www.arockstarjedi.blogspot.com/ CHECK IT OUT!!!) I decided to just come back with a little getting to know me blog. So here are 25 random facts about myself.

1. My best friend Hannah and I will have known eachother for 10 years on September 7th of this year. In these 10 years I think we fought once and it lasted for roughly 30 minutes. I don't know what I'd do without her. She puts up with my craziness like no other and somehow manages to cheer me up when I am incredibly sad.

2. On that note I have the most incredible friends and family in the entire world. I know everyone says it but it's true. I would not be the person I am today without them. I love all them so much, even when we fight and I think one of the biggest things I need to work on is letting people know how much I care about and love them.

3. I have two kitties and they go by many names, Stella and Twoshoes, Biocky and White Biocky (thanks mom and Ebet), Doctor Mew and Ameow Pond...the list goes on. They are the sweetest babies ever and they make me laugh so much. They do so many things that they shouldn't but at night when they cuddle with you, you just can't stay mad.

4. I have no piercings or tattoos. Never even had my ears pierced.

5. Most of the time I make strange faces in pictures because at least then the picture is entertaining. I don't have a tendency to like pictures of myself and yet I look at them constantly.

6. If I like something I tend to get obsessive and learn everything I possibly can about it. Kings of Leon, Twilight, Doctor Who...the list goes on.

7. My favorite book series is Harry Potter. As much as I love Narnia and Twilight, Harry Potter will always be the best to me and hold a special place in my heart.

8. I love depressing music and movies. No matter what they always make me feel happy I have the life I do.

9. I watch way too much television. I've gotten better about it over the years but I still have a problem with not wanting to go out and do something for fear of missing one of my shows.

10. I never had a scar on my body until about 2 years ago when I scratched myself on my dresser.

11. I have been called a walking encyclopedia/ walking internet by numerous people because of my ability to recite random knowledge and for having answers to random questions.

12. I love to cook. It makes me happy. There is nothing better than listening to music and cooking.

13. Cheese is my favorite food ever. I can eat with everything. Cheddar, jack, bleu, mozzarella, feta, Gruyère...put cheese in front of me and I will be a very happy girl.

14. My favorite video game will always be Sonic and Tales for the Sega Genesis.

15. I like to document everything. I like looking back on the past and having physical records of things that happened.

16. I have a borderline creepy obsession with Jared Followill and Doctor Who. If Jared ever played the Doctor I think my life would be complete.

17. Jeopardy is probably the show I've been watching the longest.

18. Sam Bradley has probably brought more amazing people into my life than any other thing ever. DeEtta, Lola, Dustin, Lisa, Shelly, Theresa...the list goes on.

19. I really don't feel like I'm interesting enough to come up with 25 facts about myself that people would actually care about.

20. I will never ever get sick of going to Disneyland. Ever.

21. I have the worst sense of direction in the entire world. I have been known to give directions such as "you know, you turn at that one building with the blue top" or "you make a that way [point left or right] and then you turn at the fence...I think."

22. I fear the ocean and the things that live in it more than anything else.

23. I'm pretty tall (6 foot) and I love to wear heels. I like being a giant.

24. Darrell is kicking me right now and i'm going to steal his sock because I don't know when not to poke the bear.

25. The first CD I ever bought myself was Fallen by Evanescence because I am a total badass. I still know the words to every song.

BONUS FACT: Kaitlin, Katrina, Hannah, Caroline, Darrell, Jelena, Dominic, DeEtta, Lola, Shelly, Brittany, Michael, Dave, Noah...these people always manage to do something to make everything better and it is impossible not to acknowledge their greatness.

ta ta for now!