Saturday, December 4, 2010

El Rey Shenanigans

So, I can't even begin to describe how awesome the Sam Bradley (and the Sam Bradley Band) show was yesterday. I keep trying to put into words what a wonderful night it was but I just can't. We got there a few hours before the show started and there was already a line. We talked to some cool people and while I was talking to Hannah I noticed that Sam's friend Dustin (twoshoes) had come out. Seeing as we talk online on occasion I decided to go and have a chat. He saw me and we had a lovely chat just catching up on things that had happened for about 10 minutes until he had to go back inside. We said bye and he told me he'd see us after the show. Basically, the night was already off to a really good start.

Once we got inside, we were right up front leaning against the stage. So the show started after like 45 minutes of waiting and Sam opened with "Lights" and we were so stoked and my friends and I started singing and it was just a great start. Hannah even got a shot of Jameson for Sam (which was so cute by the way, she was so pleased) and he drank it on stage which made her even giddier. He played a couple new songs which were really, really good (if I do say so myself) and some old favorites. He sounded incredible as always but what really stood out to me is how awesome John (the newest member of the band [he plays guitar]) was. Like, I saw how good he was at the Hotel Cafe, but he just killed it last night. His solos were insane (especially during "Details") and I was just in awe of the guitar skills. Anyway, the show was amazing as I had expected and once it ended we went back to the merch booth to get our pictures and say hey.

We got back and waited around. We saw Mark (the drummer) for a second and he was nice but he had to go sign stuff for people at merch. We were waiting for our turn and saw Dustin and we talked for a quick sec before he had to go back to selling things. John talked to us for a bit but then he had to go sign things too, so we just waited for things to clear up before it was our turn. Sam came out and was signing things and saw us, gave us some quick hugs and then I told him we would wait for our pictures and such because we were holding up the line (which was unfair because all these people had purchased things). The most amazing thing of this little exchange was the fact that he had remembered both mine and Hannah's names from our previous meetings. That was just, beyond anything I had expected, we were really happy. Anyway, so he went back to the merchandise line and we waited for a while and then after everyone got done as Brooke was about to go on so it was our turn to talk to Sam. We went into the lobby to get our pictures (which turned out awesome) and he even did a little video for my friend DeEtta and her sons which was really cute. We talked for a couple minutes and then Dustin came out to take Sam to go do an interview but promised he would bring him back. After 10 minutes or so Dustin came back and told me he would be back to chat in a while so we waited. As we were waiting, Sam just came up and started chatting with us and it was really, really nice.

Now, first of all, it was just insanely nice that he came to talk at all. Secondly, we talked for like 15 minutes. He was a pretty busy guy last night so for him to talk to us for that long was insanely nice. We chatted about the tour and him possibly doing something with his mom and his sister and just about life in general. I can't describe how nice he was so i'll just leave it at that. He went to go take a smoke break and when he left Dustin came over and we had a nice long chat/ photoshoot. This guy is one of the funniest and nicest people I know and we had a nice talk before we had to get our pictures taken. We had an amazing photoshoot and then he left for a smoke break and John wandered over to us (he was fairly drunk). We got some pictures with him and I can't even say how funny and sweet and awesome he was. We talked about our shared hatred of Glen Beck, life in Maine vs. life in Cali and some other stuff, basically it was like talking to an old friend. After like 10-15 minutes we said our byes and headed out (it was getting late). Now, I felt bad I hadn't said bye to people but everyone was busy so once we got back to Hannah's I went on twitter and noticed that Dustin had tweeted at me "LA yall are fuckin mental, I love it... @EmRChristiansen great to see you.sorry I never said bye, thank you for coming out... :)"

Basically it was a perfect ending to a night that I'll never forget.

John, Jeff and Sam...I think this was during Too Far Gone

John doing a crazy awesome solo

during Lights or Too Far Gone...not sure

such a good show

more solo fun from John

during the new song I think. It was soooo good

Hannah asked Sam to chill. He totally delivered

John and I being totally intense

Dustin and I being normal...

...Dustin and I being ninjas...we're totally badass

Sam and chillin' for us

now John and I...we chill hardcore

for everyone who read that, sorry I'm so long winded


  1. What a great write up! Not long winded at all! :) Love your pictures too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks :) I always feel like I write to much. No problem :)

  3. What a fun night! I have to say I'm a bit jeallous of everyone getting to chat up John. His skills floored me in LA. I did have a chance to quick chat him at the hotel cafe, but it was like 10 seconds and I was (embarrassingly so) Drunk. Shame on me. One day, I will get to tell John just how freaking insane I think he is on that 6 string. He is definitely a nice addition to Sam Bradley and the Sam Bradley band's sound. Thanks again, for thinking of us in your time with Sam. Did not expect that at all and twas a pleasant surprise. Can't wait til we can all see him again! I need to get your email for the next time Im in LA! love love love.
    DeEtta x

  4. I was amazed at how chatty he was. At Hotel Cafe he seemed so quiet and he most definitely was not the other night. His guitar skills are insane, hopefully you can talk to him about it one the next tour (Sam said they were trying for February). He was definitely a great addition :) I'm happy you liked it, I thought it would be a nice little surprise for you and your family considering how big of fans you all are! Most definitely! My email is <3
