Monday, February 7, 2011

Bobby Blog

So, last Thursday February 3rd, I got up really, really early (not really, only 7:30 but still, that's early for me) and headed down to Burbank to see Bobby Long's first late night TV appearance on The Tonight Show. I got to the studio at like 8:30 and and napped for a bit. My friend Shelly arrived at around 9:20 or so (she and her husband flew in all the way from Richmond, Virginia) and we then waited until 1:15 when we were taken into the studio for a double taping. First of all I have to say thanks again to Shelly for letting me use one of her tickets to see the show because it was an amazing show. Not only did I get to see Bobby but I also got to see Jeff Bridges who is just the greatest ever. Back to the point, Bobby was absolutely amazing. This guy is just so damn talented. He is going to go so far in his career and he deserves it so, so much. So the performance was amazing (Jeff seemed to really enjoy it), then we had to wait for the next taping to conclude before we could head to the Troubadour to see Bobby perform again.

one of the 3 signs from the Leno taping

Shelly, her husband and I then made it to the Troubadour around 5:30 to wait for doors to open at 8:00. We chatted, talked to the other Bobby fans while Hannah tried to make it from Anaheim and Shelly shared some of her really amazing Indian food with me. Hannah arrived, it was really cold and we waited for doors to open.
They spelled his name on the marquee right this time

We got inside, got seated up in the balcony-ish area and watched the opening act. It was a really incredibly folksy/ hippie band called He's My Brother, She's my Sister. I didn't know what to expect from them but damn they put on a good show. There was such energy and the songs were so much fun. It just made me want to dance. (Everyone should definitely give them a listen).

So, time for the main act and Bobby killed it. I can't even describe the joy I get from seeing that man perform. He is a bonafide star on stage. He played all my old favorites including Who Have You Been Loving, In the Frost, Dead and Done, Blues, Penance Fire Blues plus songs from the new record which were equally incredible. His voice, his lyrics, his all combines into one spectacular show. I was so sad when it was over. I can't begin to explain how I wish it would've gone all night. Seriously, people need to check him out live it is just an amazing experience.


More Bobby, boy looked sharp!

Hannah, Shelly, and of the sweetest, most fun, coolest, funniest ladies I've had the pleasure of meeting. Can't wait to see her again!

Basically that's the end of my long winded rant/ summary of the night.

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