Friday, February 11, 2011

Born This Way Reaction

So tonight, while I was doing my nightly Twitter catch up, I saw that Lady Gaga's much anticipated single Born This Way was premiering. I thought, "Hey, this is probably going to be one of the most historic moments in music to occur during my lifetime, why not listen..." so I did in fact listen.

Before the song was to start, I was honestly mostly excited for it to see how happy it would make my friends (Noah, Dave and Michael specifically). I knew how greatly they were anticipating it so that was going to be the best part to me, who doesn't love it when their friends are happy.

Finally, the moment arrived and the song came on. Now before my feelings on it, i'll give you a brief overview of my history with Lady Gaga. When Lady Gaga first came on the scene, I LOVED her. I thought her music was amazing and I just could not get enough of her. I had to watch every interview and every performance. Then, as I saw more and more of her I started to like her less and less. She just rubbed me the wrong way, I can't really explain why. Don't get me wrong, I think she supports some excellent causes and I give her respect for her doing her own thing but slowly I started to like her less and less. I would still sing along to Pokerface and Just Dance but whenever Bad Romance came on the radio I had to change it, it literally worsened my mood (this was after it was played on every station I listened to at least once an hour for weeks on end). I was just so turned off by all the hype (which honestly, is through no fault of hers).

Anywho, back to the point. The song came on and I listened to it. Twice. I then came to the conclusion that Born This Way is a good song. It was fun and catchy and really enjoyable. Is it my favorite song ever? No. Is it even my favorite Gaga song? No (Pokerface ftw). That being said, I do feel like it's her most important song. It's bringing the idea of acceptance of all types of people into mainstream pop culture in a huge way. Gaga has already managed to become an Icon to many and so for her to sing a song with lyrics like

Whether you're broke or evergreen
You're black, white, beige, chola descent
You're lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
'Cause baby, you were Born This Way

is a huge step forward in teaching a message of acceptance. This song is going to get so much radio play and is going to be everywhere for a while so it's great that it spreads such a message of tolerance. Basically, what i'm trying to say is this is a good song, people should listen to the lyrics and really try to embrace the message the song is conveying. Plus, I liked it.

Still, it must be noted that to me the best part was seeing how happy it made Noah and Dave (i'd assume Michael as well but he didn't tweet about it). I think one of my favorite things is not the song itself but rather the feedback i've read of people uniting over their anticipation of this song and the joy it has brought into peoples lives. Whenever something is able to bring so much positivity into everyday life it's hard not to like it and root for it.

So yeah, that's just my opinion. Listen to the song and see what you think about it.
for reading if you did, it is much appreciated.

I KNOW EVERYONE CARED WHAT I HAD TO SAY...seriously though, thanks

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. I was not much of a Gaga fan when she surfaced, nor am I now. She had a few catchy songs that were fun to dance to, but that was about it. Once I got to know the lady behind the Gaga though, I found an entirely new respect for her. I do think, even though she is kind of out there, she holds a lot of love in her heart and uses her name to stand up for human rights, and I completely respect that. "Born this way" has amazing lyrics that I think everyone should listen to, and let them bounce around their heads and hearts, because baby, no matter what it is, we were born this way!!!! ;) xxx
