Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Watching the Land Before Time

Right now, I'm watching The Land Before Time. It is making me thoroughly depressed. Seriously though, it's one of the best movies ever. Anyway, I hadn't blogged in a while and decided to update things. A couple weeks ago, Hannah and I went to the Huntington Library. It is one of the most magical places I've ever been to. I mean the gardens and art gallery are really beautiful but I'd have to say the best part is the old books. They have first editions of everything! Much Ado about Nothing, Gray's Anatomy, The Gutenberg Bible, Canterbury ales, Faustus, Paradise Lost, the list goes on. It's just so cool to see how people have managed to preserve all these books so hundreds of years later people are still able to see them. It just blows my mind.

Me in the Bamboo Garden

Me pretending to be a statue

First Edition Gray's Anatomy

Besides that, Hannah and I went to Disneyland last week and saw the new ElecTRONica show. It is so effing cool! They turn about half of California Adventure into the world of TRON. They play lots of loud music and basically throw a giant dance party, it's insane! They have giant group dances and the coolest laser i've ever seen. There's just so much positive energy and everyone was having a great time. I'm going back in November and it will be spectacular.

ElecTRONica FTW!

Hannah and I waiting to go on Big Thunder Mountain.

Kaitlin came home from Berkeley for a few days which is wonderful. I missed her a lot. She's leaving really early on Wednesday which is going to suck but she'll be back for Thanksgiving which is good. I got to Skype with Caroline which was wonderful. I miss her so, so much but i'm really glad she's having a good time in Germany. It's only like 10 more months until she comes home which is super yay! Other than that, not too much has happened. I must get back to watching Land Before Time. Hope everyone is well.


also, it's raining like crazy! I mean, it's pouring right now. It's awesome

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