Sunday, August 1, 2010


Sometimes, you meet really awesome people and you just really wish you could no them better. I've met some really awesome people through Sam Bradley's facebook and his concerts and I wish they lived closer and I could talk to them more frequently. The people that really come to mind are Shelley, TwoShoes, and Lisa.

I firstly have to just thank Lisa again for the Sam tickets she gave me even though she had never even met me. It was such a nice thing for someone to do. Plus her tweets make me laugh so much (at least most of the time). She is just so nice and funny and awesome and someone I would love to hang out with in real life.

Same thing with Shelley. We were friends on facebook and she just happened to recognize me at Bobby Long's show at the Troubadour. We didn't talk much other than hellos but at Sam's last show at Hotel Cafe we hung out and had a great time. She's so funny and has such great stories. She didn't take crap from anyone and she was just so easygoing and awesome. I love people like that. Now, she's one of my favorite people on facebook. It just amazes me how you can become such quick friends with someone just from finding them on facebook.

Finally, TwoShoes. This guy is amazing. He's so funny and honest and sweet and just all around awesome. He's incredibly easygoing and easy to talk to. His blogs are the reason I decided to write my own. It's just a nice way to express oneself even when they (I) don't have anything super important to say.

There are other people i've become acquainted with through Sam's page who I would love to get to know better. DeEtta, Jenny, Mel. I just feel like he has a generally awesome fanbase and I really appreciate that. It's allowed me to meet some really awesome people.

Okay, that is all for now.


Baby Wookie and I bid you adieu

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