Saturday, July 31, 2010


Today, Hannah, Katrina, Caroline, Dominic and I all went to Cheesecake Factory and had a really awesome time. There was lots of laughing and just a really nice, relaxing time. Then I got to thinking about how Caroline is going to Germany for a year the Monday after next. It's just way too soon! I have so many things that I want to do with her that I haven't, her departure just kind of sprang up on me.

It just makes me sad to think about how long it's going to be before I see her again. When I didn't see her for six months at the beginning of this year I was sad and now I have to wait an entire year...this is just not going to be fun.

I mean, sure we'll have videochat dates to catch up but it just won't be the same. I'm going to miss our late night adventures and our failed attempts to scare Katrina. She's just one of those people that I can have an amazing time with when we're not even doing anything. It's going to suck a lot but I know she's going to have an amazing time and when she comes back I'm never going to let her leave me again, ever.

All in all, I really want her to have a great experience and not worry about anyone back hear, but I am going to miss her like crazy and be counting the days until she comes home.

That's all for now.


More pictures

I've been going through some pictures and it made me think about how much fun I have and how lucky I am. I have really great friends and I get to do tons of fun stuff.

This is the newest puppy and I. I call her Wonky. She is adorable.

This is my baby Olive. She may not be the brightest dog but she is super sweet and adorable.

Hannah and I playing Star Trek at Vasquez rocks...Vulcan Nerve Pinch ftw!

Our Comic-Con costumes from 2009. We were Vault 101 Dwellers from the videogame Fallout3 (from left: Hannah, Kaitlin. Master Chief, Me, Daniel, Nathan [I did Nathan's hair])

waiting in line for Ballroom 20 at Comic-con. I was so tired.

Hannah and I are super cute

Katrina and I at the No Doubt concert in LA last year. Most epic ticket winning experience of my life.

Waiting in line for the New Moon premiere. I was so tired and cold. We became Smirnoff and Helga Pribicevic

photoshoot with Katrina in a parking garage, we're fierce.

Katrina and I chillin' waiting for the Ellen taping to begin. We got lots of free stuff and it was just a ton of fun.

I just like this picture of me, which is rare.

Jelena and I at Katrina's easter party where our Billy egg was robbed of first place.

At Johhny Rocket's after seeing the Bravery at Kimmel. A really fun night was had.

Hannah and I waiting at the Eclipse premiere. I look slightly crazy but Hannah looks cute.

I think this is from when Hannah and I were getting ready for Kaitlin's bday dinner. It was a nice night where we all went to claim jumper and no one fought

This is from some meteor shower where we went to this scary ass mountain place and listened to "She-wolf" a million times and had a really awesome photoshoot (photo credit to Noah)

chillin' with my baby dukems

Caroline, Hannah, and I at the fountain at The Grove. Us and Katrina had a really awesome G.N.O. These days shall be missed while Caroline is in Germany.

With Alex and Jelena at Noah's bday. We had some fun times.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Photos of Fond Memories

The Sam Bradley Band and I after their show at the Hotel Cafe on July 6

Once again with Sam and the Band after his show at the Hotel Cafe on July 13

me and my friend Twoshoes...just chillin'

in costume at Comic-Con (we're Confessors from Legend of the Seeker)

Kaitlin and I with giant Hagger

Me and my baby Wookie friend

Chelsey, Sam, myself, and Jelena after his show at the Whiskey last year

Dominic and I being adorable

Dom, myself, and Jelena at Noah's birthday

Chillin' with Woody at Disneyland

Robert Pattinson, Nadine, and I at the New Moon premiere

Mark, Jeff, Me, Sam, and Twoshoes at the Eclipse premiere

Me and Olive Sleeping while Kaitlin takes pictures

The Eclipse premiere with Ashley Greene
My good friend Peter Facinelli

Ruby Jerrins from Remember Me...I love her

Nadine and I at the Hollywood Bowl waiting for Kings of Leon

These are just some photos that I really like that remind me of good times I've had.


Today I saw Inception with Caroline and Hannah. I really liked it. It made me actually have to think, which I really appreciated. I think Joseph Gordon Levitt is probably the best/ most under-rated actor of my generation...and he's a dreamboat. Leonardo DiCaprio looks so much more manly than he did in Titanic. His babyface is all but gone. I think he's still really good looking (I actually prefer him now) just a lot more rugged. It's like the Matt Damon syndrome.

I really enjoy spending time with my friends. I am going to be really sad when Caroline goes to Germany. I won't get to see her for an entire year which is really going to suck. But at least I'll have Hannah and Katrina and everyone else to drive insane.

Oh, Comic-con was lots of fun. The time just flies by when I'm there. The Mythbusters panel is always amazing and I saw the best Jamie cosplayer of all time. I almost thought it was him.

I've been sleeping a lot recently. Mainly because i'm trying to catch up on my missed sleep from Comic-con. I watched all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies with my mom which was really nice. I had forgotten most everything that had happened in the last two. I thoroughly enjoy the last one even though it has its flaws.

So, that's all for now. I really can't think of anything else. I'm discussing Inception with Hannah and Darrell now. It's fun. Talk at ya later.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello Friends

So, i've decided to start blogging. It just seems like a fun thing to do and a nice way to help remember things.

Today was the first day of Comic-Con. I went with my friends Hannah and Kaitlin and it was absolutely amazing. We left for San Diego at 4:29 am and got there at 6:52 which according to Hannah was really fast. We waited in line for Hall H and actually got pretty good seats. The first panel of the day was Megamind, which was a lot more enjoyable then I thought it would be. Will Ferrell was funny as always and Jonah Hill and Tina Fey were cool too. I was really pleasantly surprised by that panel which was a nice way to start the day, even though this is the 3rd Comic-con I have been sick for (i'm 3 for 3). After that was the main reason we went, the Tron Legacy Panel.

Tron Legacy is going to be so freaking epic. The footage is amazing, the cast is amazing, and I am just super stoked. Garrett Hedlund was there and was a total dreamboat. Michael Sheen was his delightfully funny self, and my hero, Jeff Bridges, just stole the entire freaking panel. That man is just amazing. He seems so genuinely nice and I really want to be friends with him. He always just has such a positive attitude about things. The new trailer for it was mindblowing. Seeing 35 year old Jeff Bridges acting against 62 year old Jeff Bridges is one of the trippiest things i've ever seen.. Plus Olivia Wilde looks awesome as Quorra and Garrett Hedlund us just amazing as always (i'm a little biased).

After that we saw Angelina Jolie for Salt, who is just too stunning for words and so smart and eloquent and genuinely nice. She somehow managed to make me love her more and Liev Schreiber was just really charismatic and funny. Besides that we saw Bruce Willis (another personal hero) and Helen Mirren and so many more. Guillermo Del Toro announced he was doing the Haunted Mansion movie which is crazy awesome and Joss Whedon officially announced that he is doing the Avengers movie!!!!

Joss+the Avengers=crazy awesome. Joss did a panel with J.J. Abrams which was just so funny and totally nerdtastic. They played off each other so well and were just up to talking about anything. I never realized how funny J.J. Abrams was but it made me appreciate him even more. Joss was just Joss which is always great thing.

Overall it was a really great day, even though it took 5+ hours to get home and we got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and got a flat. Plus we didn't finish our costumes yet, which I really don't mind because they are going to be beautiful (thanks so much Bonnie!!!) I'm really looking forward to the Big Bang panel tomorrow and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'm sad we're missing Super but sacrifices had to be made.

I'll update on tomorrows adventures later, even though this is pretty much just for me.
