Saturday, July 31, 2010

More pictures

I've been going through some pictures and it made me think about how much fun I have and how lucky I am. I have really great friends and I get to do tons of fun stuff.

This is the newest puppy and I. I call her Wonky. She is adorable.

This is my baby Olive. She may not be the brightest dog but she is super sweet and adorable.

Hannah and I playing Star Trek at Vasquez rocks...Vulcan Nerve Pinch ftw!

Our Comic-Con costumes from 2009. We were Vault 101 Dwellers from the videogame Fallout3 (from left: Hannah, Kaitlin. Master Chief, Me, Daniel, Nathan [I did Nathan's hair])

waiting in line for Ballroom 20 at Comic-con. I was so tired.

Hannah and I are super cute

Katrina and I at the No Doubt concert in LA last year. Most epic ticket winning experience of my life.

Waiting in line for the New Moon premiere. I was so tired and cold. We became Smirnoff and Helga Pribicevic

photoshoot with Katrina in a parking garage, we're fierce.

Katrina and I chillin' waiting for the Ellen taping to begin. We got lots of free stuff and it was just a ton of fun.

I just like this picture of me, which is rare.

Jelena and I at Katrina's easter party where our Billy egg was robbed of first place.

At Johhny Rocket's after seeing the Bravery at Kimmel. A really fun night was had.

Hannah and I waiting at the Eclipse premiere. I look slightly crazy but Hannah looks cute.

I think this is from when Hannah and I were getting ready for Kaitlin's bday dinner. It was a nice night where we all went to claim jumper and no one fought

This is from some meteor shower where we went to this scary ass mountain place and listened to "She-wolf" a million times and had a really awesome photoshoot (photo credit to Noah)

chillin' with my baby dukems

Caroline, Hannah, and I at the fountain at The Grove. Us and Katrina had a really awesome G.N.O. These days shall be missed while Caroline is in Germany.

With Alex and Jelena at Noah's bday. We had some fun times.

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