Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello Friends

So, i've decided to start blogging. It just seems like a fun thing to do and a nice way to help remember things.

Today was the first day of Comic-Con. I went with my friends Hannah and Kaitlin and it was absolutely amazing. We left for San Diego at 4:29 am and got there at 6:52 which according to Hannah was really fast. We waited in line for Hall H and actually got pretty good seats. The first panel of the day was Megamind, which was a lot more enjoyable then I thought it would be. Will Ferrell was funny as always and Jonah Hill and Tina Fey were cool too. I was really pleasantly surprised by that panel which was a nice way to start the day, even though this is the 3rd Comic-con I have been sick for (i'm 3 for 3). After that was the main reason we went, the Tron Legacy Panel.

Tron Legacy is going to be so freaking epic. The footage is amazing, the cast is amazing, and I am just super stoked. Garrett Hedlund was there and was a total dreamboat. Michael Sheen was his delightfully funny self, and my hero, Jeff Bridges, just stole the entire freaking panel. That man is just amazing. He seems so genuinely nice and I really want to be friends with him. He always just has such a positive attitude about things. The new trailer for it was mindblowing. Seeing 35 year old Jeff Bridges acting against 62 year old Jeff Bridges is one of the trippiest things i've ever seen.. Plus Olivia Wilde looks awesome as Quorra and Garrett Hedlund us just amazing as always (i'm a little biased).

After that we saw Angelina Jolie for Salt, who is just too stunning for words and so smart and eloquent and genuinely nice. She somehow managed to make me love her more and Liev Schreiber was just really charismatic and funny. Besides that we saw Bruce Willis (another personal hero) and Helen Mirren and so many more. Guillermo Del Toro announced he was doing the Haunted Mansion movie which is crazy awesome and Joss Whedon officially announced that he is doing the Avengers movie!!!!

Joss+the Avengers=crazy awesome. Joss did a panel with J.J. Abrams which was just so funny and totally nerdtastic. They played off each other so well and were just up to talking about anything. I never realized how funny J.J. Abrams was but it made me appreciate him even more. Joss was just Joss which is always great thing.

Overall it was a really great day, even though it took 5+ hours to get home and we got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and got a flat. Plus we didn't finish our costumes yet, which I really don't mind because they are going to be beautiful (thanks so much Bonnie!!!) I'm really looking forward to the Big Bang panel tomorrow and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'm sad we're missing Super but sacrifices had to be made.

I'll update on tomorrows adventures later, even though this is pretty much just for me.


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