Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today I saw Inception with Caroline and Hannah. I really liked it. It made me actually have to think, which I really appreciated. I think Joseph Gordon Levitt is probably the best/ most under-rated actor of my generation...and he's a dreamboat. Leonardo DiCaprio looks so much more manly than he did in Titanic. His babyface is all but gone. I think he's still really good looking (I actually prefer him now) just a lot more rugged. It's like the Matt Damon syndrome.

I really enjoy spending time with my friends. I am going to be really sad when Caroline goes to Germany. I won't get to see her for an entire year which is really going to suck. But at least I'll have Hannah and Katrina and everyone else to drive insane.

Oh, Comic-con was lots of fun. The time just flies by when I'm there. The Mythbusters panel is always amazing and I saw the best Jamie cosplayer of all time. I almost thought it was him.

I've been sleeping a lot recently. Mainly because i'm trying to catch up on my missed sleep from Comic-con. I watched all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies with my mom which was really nice. I had forgotten most everything that had happened in the last two. I thoroughly enjoy the last one even though it has its flaws.

So, that's all for now. I really can't think of anything else. I'm discussing Inception with Hannah and Darrell now. It's fun. Talk at ya later.


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