Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Recap

2010 brings to a close the second decade of my life. Overall, it was a pretty good year. There were some not so fun points (Darrell, stop crashing your motorcycle) and there were some really high points (Eugene, KoL, Sam, etc.) I became friends with some absolutely wonderful people (DeEtta, Dustin, Brittany) and some friendships became much stronger (Michael, Amy). I learned a lot and generally had a really great 2010.

Caroline headed off to Germany which sucks because I miss her so much, but i'm so happy she is experiencing new things and having a great time. Hannah and I are still inseparable and as time goes on I continue to realize how truly lucky I am to have the people that I have in my life.

I have lots of hopes and goals for the upcoming year and hope to continue growing as a person. I'm sending all my love and happy thoughts to the people in my life and I say to you all I love you and thank you so much for having my back, I don't know what I would do without you.

I wish everyone a fun and safe New Years Eve and an incredible 2011

Saturday, December 4, 2010

El Rey Shenanigans

So, I can't even begin to describe how awesome the Sam Bradley (and the Sam Bradley Band) show was yesterday. I keep trying to put into words what a wonderful night it was but I just can't. We got there a few hours before the show started and there was already a line. We talked to some cool people and while I was talking to Hannah I noticed that Sam's friend Dustin (twoshoes) had come out. Seeing as we talk online on occasion I decided to go and have a chat. He saw me and we had a lovely chat just catching up on things that had happened for about 10 minutes until he had to go back inside. We said bye and he told me he'd see us after the show. Basically, the night was already off to a really good start.

Once we got inside, we were right up front leaning against the stage. So the show started after like 45 minutes of waiting and Sam opened with "Lights" and we were so stoked and my friends and I started singing and it was just a great start. Hannah even got a shot of Jameson for Sam (which was so cute by the way, she was so pleased) and he drank it on stage which made her even giddier. He played a couple new songs which were really, really good (if I do say so myself) and some old favorites. He sounded incredible as always but what really stood out to me is how awesome John (the newest member of the band [he plays guitar]) was. Like, I saw how good he was at the Hotel Cafe, but he just killed it last night. His solos were insane (especially during "Details") and I was just in awe of the guitar skills. Anyway, the show was amazing as I had expected and once it ended we went back to the merch booth to get our pictures and say hey.

We got back and waited around. We saw Mark (the drummer) for a second and he was nice but he had to go sign stuff for people at merch. We were waiting for our turn and saw Dustin and we talked for a quick sec before he had to go back to selling things. John talked to us for a bit but then he had to go sign things too, so we just waited for things to clear up before it was our turn. Sam came out and was signing things and saw us, gave us some quick hugs and then I told him we would wait for our pictures and such because we were holding up the line (which was unfair because all these people had purchased things). The most amazing thing of this little exchange was the fact that he had remembered both mine and Hannah's names from our previous meetings. That was just, beyond anything I had expected, we were really happy. Anyway, so he went back to the merchandise line and we waited for a while and then after everyone got done as Brooke was about to go on so it was our turn to talk to Sam. We went into the lobby to get our pictures (which turned out awesome) and he even did a little video for my friend DeEtta and her sons which was really cute. We talked for a couple minutes and then Dustin came out to take Sam to go do an interview but promised he would bring him back. After 10 minutes or so Dustin came back and told me he would be back to chat in a while so we waited. As we were waiting, Sam just came up and started chatting with us and it was really, really nice.

Now, first of all, it was just insanely nice that he came to talk at all. Secondly, we talked for like 15 minutes. He was a pretty busy guy last night so for him to talk to us for that long was insanely nice. We chatted about the tour and him possibly doing something with his mom and his sister and just about life in general. I can't describe how nice he was so i'll just leave it at that. He went to go take a smoke break and when he left Dustin came over and we had a nice long chat/ photoshoot. This guy is one of the funniest and nicest people I know and we had a nice talk before we had to get our pictures taken. We had an amazing photoshoot and then he left for a smoke break and John wandered over to us (he was fairly drunk). We got some pictures with him and I can't even say how funny and sweet and awesome he was. We talked about our shared hatred of Glen Beck, life in Maine vs. life in Cali and some other stuff, basically it was like talking to an old friend. After like 10-15 minutes we said our byes and headed out (it was getting late). Now, I felt bad I hadn't said bye to people but everyone was busy so once we got back to Hannah's I went on twitter and noticed that Dustin had tweeted at me "LA yall are fuckin mental, I love it... @EmRChristiansen great to see you.sorry I never said bye, thank you for coming out... :)"

Basically it was a perfect ending to a night that I'll never forget.

John, Jeff and Sam...I think this was during Too Far Gone

John doing a crazy awesome solo

during Lights or Too Far Gone...not sure

such a good show

more solo fun from John

during the new song I think. It was soooo good

Hannah asked Sam to chill. He totally delivered

John and I being totally intense

Dustin and I being normal...

...Dustin and I being ninjas...we're totally badass

Sam and chillin' for us

now John and I...we chill hardcore

for everyone who read that, sorry I'm so long winded

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Tired

I'm just tired and I don't even know anymore. It's just not a good day today I guess. I am however looking forward to Dave's bday tonight. Hopefully that will make things better. I guess I'm just in a funk and I don't like how I'm being perceived, which I guess is my own damn fault really. I don't even really know what I'm trying to say at the moment. I guess I'm just going to stop for now and gather my thoughts. Hopefully I'll stop being so depressing soon

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just to Make Things Clear

I know I tend not to get worked up by things and just let things go by the wayside. To some people, this makes it seem like I'm just kind of an unobservant, airhead who doesn't get things or understand things. Let it be know that this is not the case. I am an extremely observant person and I CHOOSE to not get worked up and I CHOOSE not to be bothered. This does NOT mean I don't understand the rude, bitchy, condescending, snide remarks you make under your breath. It really takes a lot to piss me off this much but over the past while certain people have managed to do it.

I try to be positive and I know I fail at times. A lot of the time actually, and I know that I can be a complete and utter bitch. However, I have never made these sorts of comments to you or been remotely mean to this person I am referring to and yet I am being treated like a simpleton, who just does what they are told and has no mind of their own.

I am making it clear here and now that if this continues to happen I am not going to be such a nice person and I will be done with overlooking these nasty little remarks. You should be happy to know how much you've managed to piss me off and ruin my night. You want to bring the bitchiness out, then do so at your own risk. I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't know what in the hell is going on and i'm an idiot.

It's Cold and i'm thinking too much

Well, last night Katrina and Brenda had an awesome day after Thanksgiving party and I can't even begin to explain how much fun it was so i'm not even going to try. Just know that it was amazing. A friend of Brenda's named Kat was there and she was fantastic. We were talking for quite a while and she told me that I was pretty and smart which I was very taken aback by. I realized I don't take compliments very well and I just said thank you because I didn't know what to say. Sometimes I act very full of myself (jokingly, which I hope most of my friends have realized by now) and i'll say how great I am but I feel like it's odd when someone else tells you something nice about you, especially someone you just met. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was incredibly nice but I found it so odd and i just didn't know how to react.

Basically, this led me to think about how people perceive me and how there are quite a few people who really don't like me. They've told me they don't like me and it makes me oddly unhappy. I'm saying odd a lot tonight..hmmmm. Anyway, I'm just really curious as to how i'm perceived by people and why I rub certain people the wrong way ( if anyone has any complaints, let me know, i'll work on it.)

Other than that, I'm really excited for SamFestWest'10 on Thursday. It's going to be spectacular. I am very excited to be seeing Sam and Twoshoes and Mr. Notto. I really hope my cough is gone by Thursday, it needs to go away now. Hannah and I are going to see Craig Ferguson on Monday which makes me happy and then Dave's birthday is Wednesday which is going to be very, very fun.

I can't stop listening to The Weepies and Cary Brothers right now. I love them.

i love this video too

i feel like dressing up for something but Alas, i have no occasion, sad.

I think that's all for now. It's time to watch Ace of Cakes. I have a sick addiction to the food network :/


Friday, November 12, 2010

Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement...

First, before I forget, this is my badass pumpkin from Halloween. I'm so proud of it. It;s the first non-face I've ever carved

It's from the Because of The Times album cover

different angle of epic

So anyway, it's late but I decided "what the hey, time to blog!" I have recently truly discovered the joys of the internet. These are just a couple of the keys to my heart:

Oh, Leo, you so crazy. Anyway, i've been going through all of the Leonardo Dihapprio and sad Keanu photos and i can't tell you the last thing that made me laugh that much. People are geniuses.

So anyway, here's what's going on in real life. It is so effing windy. I am so sick and tired of the wind, it's so obnoxious. Kittens are still really precious. They're my babies. Even when they're being smelly and annoying I can't be mad at them.

Blackey being precious

Kitten Heart

True Love...Darrell loves zee kitties

sleeping baby!

Blackey and sad is complete

this warms my hear...Blackey, Scout and Scruffy

Kaitlin managed to capture this magic

They're my parrots

Scout and Whitey are snuggle buddies



so freaking precious

Anywho, this is basically just a photospam post. Not much is going on. I'm watching Darrell play Call of Duty right now which is pretty fun. Last night, he lectured Amy and I on why Littlefoot is the best and how he works with the guy who voiced him in LBT II,III, and IV. His name is Scott McAfee and he works like 20 feet away from him. It's pretty awesome right. Going to Disneyland on Sunday which is going to be really, really fn. I'm most definitely looking forward to it. Plus, midnight Harry Potter. It's going to be amazing!!!

Sam Bradley's EP came out last tuesday and Details is my jam. I love, love, love it. I can't wait for it to be December to see him live. It is going to be super amazing. I think that's all for now.

I'm listening to Sam, Bobby Long, Bethany Joy Galeotti, and Ke$ha. It's a great mix. We R Who We R is my jam. night night :D


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Watching the Land Before Time

Right now, I'm watching The Land Before Time. It is making me thoroughly depressed. Seriously though, it's one of the best movies ever. Anyway, I hadn't blogged in a while and decided to update things. A couple weeks ago, Hannah and I went to the Huntington Library. It is one of the most magical places I've ever been to. I mean the gardens and art gallery are really beautiful but I'd have to say the best part is the old books. They have first editions of everything! Much Ado about Nothing, Gray's Anatomy, The Gutenberg Bible, Canterbury ales, Faustus, Paradise Lost, the list goes on. It's just so cool to see how people have managed to preserve all these books so hundreds of years later people are still able to see them. It just blows my mind.

Me in the Bamboo Garden

Me pretending to be a statue

First Edition Gray's Anatomy

Besides that, Hannah and I went to Disneyland last week and saw the new ElecTRONica show. It is so effing cool! They turn about half of California Adventure into the world of TRON. They play lots of loud music and basically throw a giant dance party, it's insane! They have giant group dances and the coolest laser i've ever seen. There's just so much positive energy and everyone was having a great time. I'm going back in November and it will be spectacular.

ElecTRONica FTW!

Hannah and I waiting to go on Big Thunder Mountain.

Kaitlin came home from Berkeley for a few days which is wonderful. I missed her a lot. She's leaving really early on Wednesday which is going to suck but she'll be back for Thanksgiving which is good. I got to Skype with Caroline which was wonderful. I miss her so, so much but i'm really glad she's having a good time in Germany. It's only like 10 more months until she comes home which is super yay! Other than that, not too much has happened. I must get back to watching Land Before Time. Hope everyone is well.


also, it's raining like crazy! I mean, it's pouring right now. It's awesome

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

So it's been a while since I blogged so I've decided to update. I had a couple of job interviews this past Friday so i'm hoping to get a call back and finally get a job. Mainly because job=money and money=trip to Eugene. I'm still really missing my family up there and really want to go back.

Now that all that is out of the way, here's the more important goings on. My cousin Mikey is out of the hospital which makes everything just that much better. He still has a long recovery ahead but at least he gets to do it from home. My kittens are doing well too. Still looking for a home for them but in the mean time i've been taking care of them and even though they're a lot of work and they frustrate me sometimes, I love them to death, One night I was taking pictures of the babies and i captured a really amazing photo of Twoshoes (also called "Blacky") Somehow, my friend Darrell managed to improve upon the already amazing picture. This is his masterpiece:

How is this not the greatest picture ever

Besides that, I've been going through pictures recently. Mostly i've been looking for pictures of me from when I was younger. This quest led me to think about how genetically blessed my family is. Case in point are the newest members Orrin and Vinnie. They are two of the sweetest, best looking babies I have ever seen (and thats not even me being biased). Here, you can judge for yourself:

Vinnie, rockin' some sunglasses

Orrin, with one of the sweetest smiles ever photographed

See what I mean, you can't see these children and not smile. They are just the two of the cutest babies ever! I miss them both dearly and would very much like to see them again soon.

In other random news, I burned my finger fairly badly today which sucked, but it was okay because Hannah and I made delicious Mexican Lasagna for dinner. It's probably my new favorite food. I also came to the realization that I could eat cheese everyday for the rest of my life and be completely content. I think it is one of the most delicious substances on the planet. I had a fun playdate with Katrina last week (who everyone should go see at Universal Studio's Halloween Horror Nights) and ever since I have not been able to stop quoting "The Hot Chick."

Oh, I almost forgot. My friends and I went to the "Easy A" premiere and the after party. It was so much fun. The movie was really funny and sweet. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The after party was really awesome. I have to thank my friend Noah for getting us all tickets to it.

Katrina and I with Matthew Lanter, he is very pretty

Aly who is pretty much flawless

Noah and I with AJ who is so sweet


Anna Farris, who was awesomely drunk

So, that is what has been going on for the past couple weeks. I must go to bed now.


PS i still miss Caroline and want it to be a year already

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Just felt like giving some updates on what's been going on for the past week. My cousin is still in the ICU from his surgery but things seem to be pretty good and he should be out by sunday or monday. I know it's hard for everyone in my family but he seems to be in pretty good spirits and everyone has been incredible supportive and kind and it really makes everything better.

On another note, my friend Nadine and I rescued a couple of kittens this week. They're two weeks old roughly. One got attacked by a dog but she's a little trooper and seems to be recovering quite nicely. There mom got chased off so now I have to feed them every 4 hours and play and just watch them around the clock. It's a lot of work and all but it gives me a really nice feeling to know I'm doing something good. They're named Twoshoes and Stella and they are just the biggest sweethearts ever. They really love to climb and are starting to walk around a lot. I'm looking for a good home for them because sadly, I can not keep them (my brother is allergic). I'm going to be sad to see them go because I've already grown way too attached.

my friend Darrell playing guitar to them

Other than that, not too much has been going on. I'm still looking for a job, which I desperately need if I ever want to make it up to Oregon. I guess that's all for now because I am drawing a blank. Much love.


Sidenote: i miss Caroline

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Little Known Facts About Me

The other day #littleknownfactsaboutme was a trending topic on twitter so it got me to thinking about what some little known facts about me were. These are just a few that I find interesting about myself (most likely, they will only be interesting to me, but whatevsies)

1. I could listen to Warren Zevon for everyday of the rest of my life and be happy. This probably has something to do with the fact that my mom loves him so much and made me listen to him growing up, but besides that I just like the different tones of his songs and how he can make ridiculous lyrics just work. Plus, Keep Me in Your Heart never fails to move me.

2. I can remember mundane facts like no other. I am full of so much useless information that no one will ever need to know (Sean Connery worked as a coffin polisher before going into acting) but for some reason I can't get these random little facts out of my head.

3. I am insanely emotional and my tear ducts are hardwired to every emotion I have. I cry a lot in movies, which never used to happen, but for the past few years it's just been ridiculous.

4. I love cheese. Cheese makes me happy. Cheese is a deliciously wonderful thing.

5. I have no natural balance. I can be walking straight and just start to fall over. I think it's an inner-ear problem but i'm not sure. I also have a tendency to walk into things.

6. I am extremely accident prone. I got a paper cut off a ziploc bag once and have a scar from a cut i got on my dresser...that has no sharp corners (that's one of my personal faves). I fall a lot and get cuts and bruises all the time. However, I have never broken a bone. I also HATE blood.

7. I am a terrible singer but I love karaoke. I always start off a little shy but as time goes on I let loose, which isn't necessarily a good thing. Whiskey also helps with the singing part.

8. I can listen to the same song on repeat for a long time. I listened to Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol 108 times on repeat once. I can do the same with movies. I once watched Armageddon 3 times in one day...I don't know what that says about me.

9. I love taking pictures but I'm not a very good photographer. I sometimes luck into some good shots but I don't really have an eye for photography.

10. As of right now, I'd have to say my happy place is my aunt and uncle's house in Eugene. I just don't have any negative memories from there, at all. It makes me think of my family and hanging out with my cousins and I miss it dearly.

That's all for now. I'm going to try and go to sleep.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Recent Happenings

So, I've spent most of the week at Hannah's house helping to hold down the fort while her mom's in Florida. It's been pretty fun, I mean, it's generally been the same as it always is at Hannah's, save for the fact that she's been at school for some of the day[s]. I've been knitting, cleaning, watching movies and all that jazz. I managed to knit 3 bows which made me pretty happy.

(one of the bows I knitted, I made a green one and a taupe one as well)

I've been having lots of fun with netflix as well. I watched the first couple seasons of Myth Busters, Stop-Loss, the Mighty Ducks, The Land Before Time, S. Darko, The Stepford Wives and a movie called Teenage Dirtbag that I really enjoyed. S. Darko was entirely unnecessary and confusing but I didn't feel like it was as bad as I was told. I rediscovered my love for The Land Before Time, which I feel is the greatest children's movie ever and I want to watch it a million times over. I was really pleasantly surprised by Teenage Dirtbag. I only watched it at first because I like Scott Michael Foster, but I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's nowhere near perfect but it has a good flow and kept my attention.

I went on a mini cleaning spree too which made feel productive. I realized that I enjoy cleaning for the most part, I just really don't like putting away clean dishes. It may seem odd because it's a fairly easy job but I just don't like it at all.

Other than, some not so fun things have happened this week. My friends grandfather passed away which is never fun, but at the same time he has been sick for a while so I'm glad he's not suffering anymore. Also, my cousin is having his leg amputated tomorrow. It's been a long time coming but it still sucks because he's such an upbeat and wonderful person and he doesn't deserve to be going through this.

Anyway, that's just a little bit of an update for the few [one] person who reads this.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back home

So I got back home from Eugene last night. At first I was really excited to leave and be coming home to my friends, but on the ride home I got really sad. I'm going to miss waking up and seeing my aunts and uncles, seeing Uncle D hanging out in the backyard, playing with Vincent and Payton and so many other things.

UNCLE D chillin' at the wedding

John and Baby V

I had such a great time just hanging out with my family. I didn't realize how much I missed Easton, John and Jordan (who I never see) and how funny and epically wonderful my entire family is. I had the greatest time just staying up until 5 am talking to Mr. E and Jordan and hanging out with all the rest of my cousins. I'm really blessed to have such a sweet family who never fail to amaze me.

Jordan and V... J makes a mean grilled cheese

John and his little man

cutest photo ever of Easton and Vincent

I met some awesome people like Sarah and Uncle D and Marty and everyone else. I was so happy just watching V and Payton. They are the greatest kids in the world and I really, really miss them. I want to go back again, sooner rather than later. I can't express the sadness I felt this morning and just not seeing everyone. I bonded with so many of my cousins. I got to see Kathleen get married and just be so absolutely in love. It's everything you wish for your family and it just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Payton, looking gorgeous as a flowergirl

Vincent is the happiest baby ever

More or less, I just wish I saw my family more, especially my Oregon family. I love them all so much and i'm going to try and make a trip up there by the end of the year.

my cousins (from left to right) Claire, Juliana, Anna, April, Me, Gina